Disguised as an official update from the app, ‘Pink WhatsApp’ not as simple as it sounds is the newest threat actor ‘gimmick’ which is shared, forwarded, and downloaded widely in the WhatsApp world. The malware is being circulated among WhatsApp users as an alternative version of the messaging app that guarantees a different color and additional features.

The forwarded message includes an APK link that takes you to a third-party website from where the update can be downloaded. The message is forwarded with a few screenshots of the promised features which are also obviously fake.

The new malware can take over the victim’s device resulting in sensitive data leaks.

Cybersecurity researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia spotted the circulation of this message and reported it on Twitter and also shared a few screenshots showing the interface of the malicious app, which seems to be similar to the original.

The tweet read “Beware of WhatsApp Pink!! A Virus is being spread in #WhatsApp groups with an APK download link. Don’t click any link with the name of WhatsApp Pink. Complete access to your phone will be lost,”

The malicious app as reported goes into hiding once you install it and hence it is not easy to get rid of for someone not familiar with phone storage systems. And before you know it irreversible damage would be done.

The modified version of any original app from unknown sources possesses high-security risks. The permissions you grant without second thoughts can be easy access to your personal life. So be alert, aware, and awake since these scams tend to resurface now and then.

By Divya Alex (Content Writer, WCSF)

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