The JPC (Joint Parliamentary Committee) was arranged in 2019 to take up the non-public knowledge security bill because the lawmakers had been divided over several provisions of the regulation meant to offer an authorized form to the Right to Privacy after the Supreme Court made it an elementary right in 2017.

If MPs agree and execute all of the joint parliamentary committee (JPC) recommendations in the final legislation, leading technology and internet businesses may take legal action to dispute specific elements in the data privacy bill.

On November 22, the Joint Committee on the Personal Data Protection Bill approved a draft report, with seven of the thirty-one members voting no on multiple clauses.

The proposal to classify social media platforms as publishers, according to the report, is the most significant point of contention because it places the onus for user-generated content on internet companies and will affect a slew of global giants, including Facebook, Google’s YouTube, Twitter, and WhatsApp, all of whom stand to lose the safe harbour or immunity currently provided by the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Any new concept of privacy introduced as an amendment should be based on a consensus approach, according to Kumar Deep, country manager, India, ITI Information Technology Industry Council. Therefore, it is critical that all stakeholders, including key industry bodies, are engaged before the government implements robust data protection legislation. Intel, Amazon, and Apple are among the TI Information Technology Industry Council members.

Other clauses, such as the inclusion of non-personal information in the privacy regulation and rules for certifying hardware components and the need for sensitive and substantial private information to be stored locally, are also causing worry.

By- Shubhangi Kumari Mishra

(Writer Intern, WCSF)

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