The Apache Software Foundation, an American non-profit corporation, which supports various software projects, released a patch on 23rd December 2021 to solve the critical issue in the second-most widely used web-server Apache HTTP Server. The issue raised was that it permitted remote attackers that take control of a vulnerable system, and thus there was a need for this server.

The Apache Software Foundation is a decentralised open-source development community. The first fault in the Apache web server is a memory-related buffer overflow that affects the Apache HTTP server. The new Apache HTTP server version retains significant and contemporary Unix and Windows Platforms.

Thousands of efforts have been made by cybercriminals to attack the Java logging system, and cyber security experts have discovered that large ransomware groups like Conti are looking for alternative methods to take illicit advantage of or exploit the vulnerability. Over 100 attempts every minute are made by hackers to exploit the critical security vulnerability, which leaves several companies at cyber-theft risk.

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– Chinmayee Kulkarni

Content Writer, WCSF

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