Researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have devised a novel passive form of the Tempest attack method known as the “Glowworm Assault,” which uses optical emanations from a device’s power indicator to retrieve noises from attached peripherals. This implies that it has the ability to listen the electronic communications.
After proper evaluation, it was found by the researchers that a wide range of consumer products including smart speakers, simple PC speakers, and USB hubs, that has the power LED output on the devices were typically impacted by the audio signals flowing through the speakers. With the help of a photodiode the detected electrical current was converted into an electrical signal in order to execute the Glowworm attack. Thereafter, the signal was processed by an Analog/Digital Converter (ADC) and played back as sound.
Avast Security Evangelist, Luis Correns claims that an attack like this would not concern us and would be more likely to be used by intelligence agencies.
By: Vyom Kaushik
Legal Intern, WCSF
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