Certified Course on “Introduction to Cyber Laws”

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About Course

Cyberlaw is becoming the need of an hour as the growing rate of cybercrime is a raising alarm that we shall take this issue very seriously as our sensitive information is tampering & might cause a great loss to us. It’s high time that we as an individual entity shall understand the cyber-related laws & start practicing them full-fledged. Hence, this course has been designed to provide an in-depth overview not only of the basic principles of cyber law but also of legal issues relating to e-governance, e-commerce, e-contracts & IPRs. It will cover 6 modules. It is a self paced course.

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What Will You Learn?

  • According to a survey, the cyber industry is growing which is demanding a large number of experts & techies are in demand & the recruiters give priority to the certified holders only.
  • This course is a perfect stop shop for beginners who are really excited about the cyber world & want to enter in it & also ideal for those students who have achieved their knowledge in cyber security but shall also learn the basics of cyber laws.
  • This course will not just open the doors of new learning but also enhance the career growth.
  • This course is tailor made & was designed after conducting a proper research; due care so that the maximum learning agility can be drawn.

Course Content

Introduction to Computers
This module describes the evolution, history and basic terms of computer terminology along with the network protocols with their procedure & challenges that the digital world is facing.

  • Evolution of Computers
  • Operating Systems
  • History of Internet
  • Computer Networks
  • Network Securities
  • Communication Protocol Wireless Network
  • Challenges of Internet World
  • Quiz on Introduction to Computers

Cybercrime & its Classification
This module consists of the definition & meaning of cybercrimes and also mentions the history, origin & types of e-crimes & attacks along with some real cases.

CyberSpace and Cyber Law
This module depicts the meaning of cyber space & its implications in various developed nations like: US, UK. The meaning of jurisdiction in cyber space, meaning of intermediary, working procedure & responsibility of Internet Service Provider is also involved along with some real life examples.

E-Commerce and E-Contracts
This module talks about the E-Commerce & E-contracts with its applications, legal & technical aspects along with its pros and cons & comparison with Traditional Commerce respectively. Further it includes, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) & role of jurisdiction in E-Commerce.

Intellectual Property Rights in CyberSpace
This module includes the basic meaning of IPR along with its role in the cyber world. It also talks about the issues & problems faced in the cyber space. Further, various types of IPR with various related crimes will be touched.

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